Porto Alegre, 17 to 21 of January of 2017.
In such a nebulous moment of democracy ahead, facing a structural dismantling of several publics politics and institutions for defense of minorities and human rights (which took us so many years to conquer and still were not consolidated), to be with all of you on this forum was amazing. We could discuss, listen and learn a lot about what is happening at diverse fronts of social movements. Not only in Brazil or Latin America, but also in the world. We could make an analysis of the mistakes which took us to this situation and reflect about our positioning and roles as a political and social subject. We could live important moments of dialogue, reflection and got things out of our chest. We listend, talked and discussed. We could see that we are not alone and could strengthen us.
Another World is possible. We are many, we are together, we are strong!
We fight.