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Revolution of the buckets

Florianópolis - Brazil We tend to think about food as a product that comes from agriculture, but generally we forget that we are all part of a circular process. We consider us rather as consumers than part of a cycle, especially in an urban context which is disconnected from the earth. This disconnection, linked to an excessive waste production and missing knowledge about its destination, generates serious problems, especially in the periphery and slums which suffer under a not so frequent garbage collection. Bringing back the consciousness to the organic cycle and promoting knowledge about the destination of the waste in a community is revolutionary. The bucket revolution (“Revolução dos Baldinhos”) couldn’t have a different name. How to have a bigger revolution as the reconnection to the cycle of production and reproduction of life? This is a project that is fascinating us because of its essence: environmental matters and social working in harmony! The project is realized in the community of the neighborhood Monte Cristo, in the periphery of Florianópolis and is managed by the residents itself with the support and knowhow of the Center for Studies and Promotion of Community Agriculture (CEPAGRO). Created in 2008, the project started with the search for a solution regarding the waste in the communities, which were suffering under a proliferation of rats and insects due to the long exposition of food leftovers in the streets, which made the population vulnerable for diseases. That was when community leaders met with CEPAGRO to think about a solution for the organic waste management by the use of composting. But the project is not only about the environmental matter: The composting is part of an educational process which is the basis of the dissemination strategy, so the kids learn about the importance and the process itself and stimulate their families. Furthermore the organic fertilizer produced is donated to the participating families or commercialized to maintain the project and guarantee remuneration of the residents which are participating on the project and the fortification of urban agriculture. The project is already reference within decentralized waste management with the social participation and the promotion of urban agriculture. We registered the project and in some time we will share more! Wait for it!

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