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Bike Anjo

Online Platform conects cyclists with people who want to learn to ride a bike. You ride a bike, but are afraid to ride on the streets? You never cycled before, but want to learn? You have doubts about the best way? Or you are a Bike Anjo (Bike Angel) and don’t know how all this started? Check out the interview with JP Amaral about Bike Anjo and learn a bit more about that initiative, which is getting more and more space in the cities of Brazil and lately worldwide!

There is a quiet revolution hitting the streets in Latin America: more and more people are using the bicycle as a transport. Less CO2 emissions, less traffic, healthier. But not only that: the bicicle has engaged people from different backgrounds and reconnected them to public spaces, showing other possibilities of living in the city. In this video JP talks about Bike Anjo, a ciclists network which promotes, mobilizes and helps people to start using the bicycle as a means of transport, seeing the bicycle as a tool for social transformation. The network started in São Paulo, but soon showed its potencial and through an online platform engages now a growing number of ciclists along the country and the world.

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