Porto Alegre - Brazil
Tatá Edson tells us a bit about the importance of the food, the sovereignty and the food safety for the traditions and his fight in context with the National Forum for Food Safety and Nutrition of African Roots People (FONSANPOTMA).
According to Tatá Edson, the human right to feed yourself according to your traditions is a claim aligned with the food safety and it's necessary for the development and sovereignty of the communities.

Tatá Edson - national coordinator for political articulation of the National Forum for Food Safety and Nutrition of People from African Origin (FONSANPOTMA)
But the FONSANPOTMA goes even further: They put to discussion the necessity of the food sovereignty. That means the right to produce food and to have control about the food which you consume - which is only possible by the means of soil and the reparation of the Brazilian State towards these people which have constantly been victims of state violence and the brazilian society, such in a physical as in symbolical way, through persecution and prejudice against their cultures. The interview is great and some time ahead there will be a video!